get excited about your goals… 

all year long!

You're invited to

The 2023



Thursday, December 29th | 4pm ET/1pm PT


Together in a 90-minute workshop, you'll use neuroscience-backed exercises to uncover purposeful, rewarding goals for the new year.

You'll leave this live, interactive class with clear priorities for the year ahead - and a plan to make pursuing your goals the most awesome journey possible!

Does this sound like you?


You've been disappointed with SMART goals in the past and hate how it makes you feel like a failure


You've set goals with great intentions, but struggled to bring them to life


You have some awesome goals, but it's challenging to find time to work on them


You already know what you want to do, but wish it were easier to get motivated and follow through


of Americans give up on their New Year's resolutions. Stop using goals that set you up to fail.  

Our Agenda


VISION 2023: Make sure you're focused on what really matters by stepping into your vision for 2023 through a guided, full-sensory brainstorming exercise


CORE GOALS: Designed to be the most intrinsically fulfilling goals, CORE goals embody your deepest core values to guide how you'll show up in the year ahead - no matter what curveballs life throws your way.


AWESOME ACTION PLAN: Saying ‘Yes!’ to your dreams should be fun! Bridge the gap between brainstorming and implementation with a clear plan to take action come January 1st! 

Imagine getting excited about your goals all year long

how might your life change if you had the confidence to say “yes!” to your dreams?

after year's of feeling like a failure from traditional goal-setting, i finally uncovered core goals. the goal-setting studio distills years of research in motivation, performance and neuroscience into one 90-minute workshop.

let's make pursuing your 2023 goals the most awesome journey possible!


P.S. If you can't make the date, you'll have access to the recording within 24 hours 💌